Saturday, February 18, 2006

Absentee friends, accidents, and office big brothers

That's right, folks... it's time for another RANDOM RANT ROUNDUP!!!
One of my biggest pet peeves is the "Disappearing Act". I hate this shit. This is when someone who doesn't want to be your friend anymore or maybe just doesn't want to talk for either a bit or forever doesn't say "BYE" or "GFY!" or anything... they just disappear. This is the equivalent on MySpace of the unexpected block (You go back to post on a blog and find out your blocked and don't know why... that one). But this is REAL LIFE! This goes back to my old dating days with my EX-ex, Pam. She was big on this. She would get mad at me for some reason and just stop taking calls or replying. Now, keep in mind much of our dating was pre-net craze and we didn't have computers so emails and messaging weren't too big a part of this yet. That would happen later. I would leave a note on her car (text messaging ), a message on her home answering machine that her parents could here or get a message thru a mutual friend... but she would be completely GONE. Later on I would get this from the first woman I seriously dated POST-Pam. We were getting along GREAT and going well for months when all of a sudden, poof! She was gone! LAter I found out she was trying to "teach me a lesson" by standing me up that weekend she was moving but when she finally moved, she found out the new place wasn't exactly "computer ready" and her cell phone was actually the property of her former employer who kept it. There went her having MY number and me knowing how to find HER. Was more a fluke that I finally got ahold of her while she went to the library to check email since normally I would be working at that time. We got back together, I was more cautious at that point and I thought she understood that. After another month and a half, she completely disappeared. I went to her old work place and was told "she's supposed to be in the kitchen but she's not there" and she wasn't at the old apartment. Gone. I saw her online on yahoo messenger and sent her a 'hi, you ok?' message and got no repsonse. So I still have no idea what happened and why she cut me off so cleanly. And I hate that.
But it's not the ONLY example! It has been happening a lot to me lately. People who apparently don't like confrontation or don't see me as deserving the respect inherent with giving an explanation. I am not stupid, I know I can't argue it (I'll try but acknowledge that failure is imminent) but I would rather hear the woman just doesn't think we can be friends or that she met someone else or that she is just too busy or something than NOTHING. Hell, one woman blocked me so fast she never even got to hear my explanation. She accused me of being racist because I told her what my FRIENDS had said about a certain club in town. I tried to stress that I was relating what my friends had said about it and that it was intended to convey certain information but she had already blocked me. WTF?!?! I've gone on a date where all seemed to go well and the woman went inside after talking to me for another hour at her door making plans for the next date and then NOTHING. No reply or callback or email or anything. I HATE that. If I am done with you, I will tell you. Ask Johanna! :) And even then, I am not adamant about it. I will still talk to people and stuff... probably won't hang out anymore but I still talk. This is all I'm saying. I hate the disappearing act SO much.
Within the past week and a day, I have seen an accident every day. Sometimes more than one. I can't avoid them. And three times I have WATCHED the accident happen. Heading out to Yonder Mountain LAST Friday (not last night) with Jessica, great show by the way, we were talking about car accidents we had been in. Just as she (finally) finished telling the story of hers, I looked up at the light on Hodges and Atlantic (I think) and RIGHT in front of us in the intersectiongoing Hodges way, we were on Atlantic, two cars just ran smack into each other. We were dumbstruck. I debated on getting out to check on them but the car closest had already done that. I debated on calling the cops but I could see most everyone was already on their own cells. So this left me and Jessica with only one thought, "Why did it have to be in OUR lane?!" Is that selfish?
And I caught some gruff from co-workers on Monday because I got caught in that 2 hour plus wait on 295. That accident where a car drifted across the median and hit a couple of cars stopping the whole southbound way COMPLETELY. I had JUST missed the accident by being late... if I'd have left on time I would have either SEEN it or been IN it so not sure what to think about that. But the helicopters came, several firetrucks, many ambualnces, a bunch of cops and a few tow trucks. It was a MESS. And when I got to work and tried to explain it all I said the phrase I didn't know I REALLY meant until I said it, "I hope whoever caused it died!"
HELL, YEAH! Stupid drivers need to be removed from the travel lanes! According to the news, this guy doesn't even remember what happened. Good for him. Neither does that guy he killed. See, that's the sucky part. While I AM glad SOMEONE died... it makes the time I spent there somehow more meaningful... don't know why so don't ask... but it SHOULD'VE been the dumbass who CAUSED it. Instead it was an older gentleman that the guy hit. That's effed up in my mind.
But my co-workers are STILL talking about the whole "someone better be dead" thing. GET OVER IT, ALREADY! Maybe I should show them that disturbing thoughts entry... hmmmm.
Was at work yesterday... work is BORING and the only thing helping me maintain sanity is being able to check blogs and comments and replying or sending email thru work. That's it. When I joined the company, I was forced to read all these guidelines and procedurals and all that BS and it states right in there that they EXPECT some personal use of such things and are ok with it as long as we aren't bringing viruses into the system or not doing any work. As long as our numbers are good, they are supposed to be ok with it. But yesterday word came down they were "doing a sting" and trying to catch folks. A few got FIRED for net usage... now I don't know if it was because it was excessive or just an excuse to get rid of crappy people but still, it's the IDEA. Do lazy, dumb as fuck, tech guys have NOTHING bettr to do? Does management REALLY believe such controls will make the workers BETTER? Although, thinking back... the way the people there reacted when we got casual fridays back... you'd think their Jesus had come down and gave them a million bucks.
But you know what REALLY amazes me? They are sticklers about the dress code even though we rarely see anyone outside the work group... the ig bosses or clients rarely ever tour OUR floor. We are monitored to make sure we don't do anything on the net even though most of the known bad sites are already blocked, which is why I can't send messages through myspace or even see friend requests. We have to scan our badge at every door and floor... except the second floor where the secret service is... go figure. We have ALL these rules and restrictions about what can be posted on our cube walls... they asked me to take down the poster for Into The Blue cause of how Paul Walker and Jessica Alba were dressed and also suggested I take down the poster for Exorcism of Emily Rose because of its religious overtones. WTF?!? I took down Into the Blue but complained since a manager has JUST the Alba half of the poster on HIS desk. I refused to take down Emily cause I like that poster. I have a mini-one at work and the full one. But, again, restrictions! They do all these things to control us and yet...
I didn't have to take a drug test to get in. No one has. So all I think about when I look around is, "All these up tight fucks are probably high right now."
Why DO black people talk in the theatre? Seriously, is it genetic? I know it's not JUST black people or not ALL black people but 19 times out of 20, if you hear someone talking and look.. it's black people. This has been an issue lately because I am often right near the most talkative ones. Much like the ones who bring their 2 year olds to see the late late showing of Wedding Crashers or Hostel. Or my personal fave, the ones who brought their kids to see the REALLY late showing of Matrix 3... and let the kids find empty rows to stretch out and take a nap on. WTF!!?? God, that pissed me off. Almost as much as the idea that I paid to see that piece of shit. It just bugs me that all the time I hear about stereotypes being wrong and bad and then you encounter the SOURCE of them. Even BLACK PEOPLE make fun of black people talking in movies. So why do they do it? Rent the damn thing and talk all you want at home... don't RUIN it for other people. And, dammit, quit giving attitude when someone politely asks you to be quiet. It's like the guy who tried to pass me on a merge lane... we were BOTH merging and he cut over and tried to pass me... I just merged in front of him and he honked at me and then cut around and flipped me off. DUDE! I wasn't the one being an ass! ARGH! I remember one movie where these two black girls were behind us. They tlaked all the way up the stairs, as they sat in their seats, thru the commercials and the trailers and through the opening credits. I told my date that I had had enough and turned to them to ask if they could be quiet. They gave me a fuck olff look so I got up and sat next to them. I told them, "well, since it's so easy to hear you fucking talking I figured I should come be part of the conversation... now please be quiet or I am going to get management". They told me to fuck off so I went and got management who came in and asked them to be quiet. By this point I had missed the beginning of the movie. Wow, I don't even remember the movie, just the two girls. That's screwed up, man!
I'm going to end this now so I can get my day underway. I hope to get back here tomorrow to do some more. Sorry I've been slacking off lately. I AM trying. Have a great weekend, everyone.


Blogger PenguinCoop said...

I have to agree with the driving thing. I've seen several accidents lately too, one recently when I was on the way to Ormond Beach for a show. That was scary, it was a big truck and a tiny little Geo Metro. As far as the disappearing act, I don't get that. People must just be cowardly or unable to confront tough conversations or something - that junk makes no sense to me.

7:59 AM  

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