Monday, February 13, 2006

Final Destination 3

You are either going to see this movie or you’re not so this is more a blog about my opinions of it than a call to see/avoid the flick. Did you see the first 2? Did you like them? You will like this one if you did and probably won’t if you didn’t like either of the first two. The deaths are more elaborate and the effects are better (once you get past the roller coaster part). There! That should calm the concerns of a few people. Now on to the actual MOVIE.
We have another female lead here just like the second one. She walks around taking pics for the yearbook and any movie fan will undoubtedly predict their importance. My problem with THIS though is…well, I hope she wasn’t the ONLY person taking pics for the yearbook at their senior night at a theme park. I mean, what a crappy photog she was since she was just hanging with HER friends and boyfriend. This would piss me off if I was in that school! Anywho, she is already nervous about roller coasters so when she has a (VERY) detailed vision of what goes wrong on it and freaks, the folks don’t buy it. Like the first one, though, it’s a fight that really gets the other “survivors” off the danger ride. So now they slowly piece together that they weren’t SUPPOSED to get off the ride and when death wants someone dead… it gets ‘em dead! Often in very strange ways. The rest of the movie is more like the first than the second. Wonder why?
The first one was wonderful. A rather original take on a horror/slasher movie that had fun with its premise. But in that one, the people all died how they were SUPPOSED to die. You got your head cut off in the plane, you got it cut off later. You burned in the plane? You burned later. Got squished? Get a bus in the face! SQUISH! And so on. And you died in order… which was always funny to me that the order was important since really… it was, what, a matter of moments in the plane? Come on, death! Don’t be so frickin’ ANAL!
Ok, the second one went a slightly different direction by reversing it. They reversed the order because, supposedly, death was fixing mistakes it made when it was trying to kill the plane survivors so it let a few people get away while going after the folks from FD1. I had serious issues with the car accident in the movie. Sure it was fun to watch but it had TOO much going wrong. But when they explained that it was just really another of the deaths to clean up a mess and it was an opp to get a bunch at once, I felt better. Just don’t ask, “But I thought the ORDER they die is important” or it ruins THAT, too.
So the third one takes the order bit from the first but builds on the whole vision thing from both where signs come before the deaths. In this case, the pics she took all give death ideas on how to off these punks.
It’s a neat idea in execution if not in description.
You sit and look at the pics and then around the area WITH the characters trying to figure out what’s going to get them. And man, death in this movie... it’s one VICIOUS SOB!! You can argue about how the teacher dies in the first one but watch what happens to her in the plane crash… she was due for a bad death! Most of the others die pretty quickly. Some don’t even know what hit them. Except for the kid choking in the bathtub. The second one has a lot of painful deaths but still has the quick ones. This one… wow… even the quick one looks painful! If you have issues with gore… stay away because it is VERY gory!
I’m not sure I want a fourth one. I think this sends the series out on a high note. Except for missing Tony Todd. Well, on screen anyway. We get to HEAR him but that’s just not the same. I liked his mortician character and was looking forward to THAT. I mean, like most horror movies, once you get past the first one and you know who the killer is (even with Fridays, you know how it works so the actual killer is irrelevant), these become action movies, really, with some jump scares. They become Boo! movies. So they HAD to amp up the gore and violence to jeep interest but I don’t think they needed to sacrifice Tony for that.
Is it worth a second viewing in the theatre? I’ll let you know since I just know someone will want to see it and I will say “yes” comes I’m easy when it comes to movies but I will buy it on DVD. Definitely. I own the other two. {:o)


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