Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I am feeling very sleeeeeepy

This will be short cause I am sleepy.

Ok, tonite I went to see Peter Guzzi... I think his name was Peter. Too tired to check. Anywho, he's at Comedy Zone until the 17th with a special show (XXX Show!!) on the 18th. He calls himself the world's best hypnotist. Basically, he lets whoever WANTS to come up on stage do so and then he slowly gets rid of the difficult ones or the ones who just can't do it. As he says it, if you don't WANT to be hypnotized, you WON'T be. I went with Jessica and TRIED to get her up on stage for all the added benefits BESIDES me just having a royal good time laughing at her. She refused. But I STRONGLY recommend to everyone to actually go up on stage. If you are feeling stressed about anything. Having a hard time with anything. Just feeling blah. Go up there and you WILL be relaxed.

Sure, he will make the folks up there do some wacky shit and act the fool but it's all in good fun and he doesn't let you get nekked or hurt yourself or anyone else or anything like that. He just lets you get all stupid. And you get to blame the hypnotism!!! How cool is that?!?!

I got a lil whammy on me when he was checking the crowd to see who was susceptible... to help make up for the folks who he had to boot off stage. I was ALMOST fully there and DID feel VERY relaxed afterwards but the guy next to me bumped me as he stood up and it got me out of it. That and Jessica moving about. So, like I said, I was nearly there.

The folks danced about like saturday night live dancers and exotic dancers (giving the audience a lapdance if they gave up a dollar). They performed for make believe cameras and in a fake body building contest. We got to reenact a Jerry Springer show and hear a man who is just passionate about the good work he feels he does thru hypnosis.

That's the sad part. Mr. Guzzi is moving off the stage and moving to Hollywood so it could be a long time (if ever) before he comes back thru.

It's a fun show. Take your friends and go have a good time. Be open to the experience and don't worry about getting on stage. Your friends will be impressed with your bravery. And they WILL have a ton of questions to ask you.

Anywho, that's all I got besides Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was even BETTER the second time I saw it and I'm trying to get Cali to join me for my third time. Aeon Flux was ok... picked up at the end and some some nice stunt work... if you know the cartoon, you'll get a kick out of how they pull off some of the stuff and the story manages to make more sense than the show. Granted, it is still a bunch of silliness but it DOES make MORE sense than the old MTV cartoon. NArnia is this weekend!! Anyone wanna join me on Friday?


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