Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Please Advise!

I just don’t understand people anymore. Well, not ALL people. Some people. It’s come up recently through a strange series of events. It’s a weird concept for me to experience. I am a firm believer that at our core, all people are essentially the same. The deeper you go, the more sense we all make. It’s the DETAILS which confuse issues.
Why does a woman stay in a violent relationship?
Is it fear? Masochism? Love, no matter how misguided? Cause the guy is rich (which is still fear, really)?
Why does a guy stay with a woman who keeps cheating on him or treats HIM like dirt? Same reasons, maybe?
Why do some people feel the need to lie about EVERYTHING to the point where they are no longer capable of being themselves? Is it JUST low self-esteem and the need to be accepted causing it?
Why do some co-workers feel the need to be BETTER than everyone else? Especially when it alienates those same people and makes the work group suffer. Why do they seek so much self-promotion (not actual promotion) by lessening the influence or accomplishments of their peers?
Why do some people feel the drive to say “just the right thing” to get you on their side? Is it a throwback to a former life as a car salesman? I separate this from lying since it’s not necessarily a “lie” as much as it is selective truth telling in order to garner favor.*
What do they gain from this? What do any of these types of people gain?
I like people. Some of my best friends are people. Also, some of my friends are THESE types of people. I’m not naming names or pointing fingers since most of them know who they are and I really don’t hold it against them.
Like I said… I just don’t understand it.
So I put it to all of YOU to help me figure it all out.
For most things, you can find a common root. Whether it is fear, self-preservation, or simple selfishness, most actions WILL make sense. But could those above (or any you can think of to add) all come from these base motivators?
I await all your input. And please don’t be put off by being first or duplicating what someone else says… I want to hear EVERYONE’s side. And if you’re guilty of the above, so much the better. Please explain YOUR motivations.
Pretty please?
I’ll be your best friend!

* I don’t mind navigating the truth like it’s a frickin’ river but I go out of my way to avoid lying or misleading people to believing I like them when I don’t. I am sure Johanna will disagree with this but she’s wrong. j/k… mwah!


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