Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Disturbing Thoughts Round-up!

Ok, here’s the deal. I intend this to be a place to just list off those thoughts that aren’t worth a devoted posting and might be a tad disturbing or just un-PC (ptui!). Feel free to comment with any such thoughts YOU might have but we need some ground rules before we begin. First, remember these are just thoughts and don’t necessarily reflect on ACTIONS taken or mean any of us are BAD people. 2) No judging! This goes along with rule number one. 3) Fight club does not exist.
So with all that in mind, let’s get started!

1) How come, the more excited the parent is, the uglier the baby pictures?
2) I never see midget twins. We need more midget twins in this world.
3) Speaking of twins; am I the only white person who hesitates to comment when seeing black or Asian twins? You know, just in case.
4) Sometimes, when I think about the money I will get from a relative passing away, I get excited and briefly think, "hurry up and die already!"
5) Sometimes, when I think about the people that I owe money to, I think the same thing.
6) Why do women think that just cause you might fiddle with their asshole a bit during foreplay that it’s ok for them to just jab their finger at yours? I mean, Jesus, woman, ASK FIRST!! I’ll say "no" but at least you won’t get the Pimp Hand.
7) Why did pimps stop wearing large hats with animal print stripes and shoes with goldfish in them? That was a cool fashion choice. Was it when white people started doing it?
8) If God is supposed to be all knowing and smart as can be, why are most of his followers… well, NOT? Not even close. Good news though is that they help disprove human evolution. You'd think after all these millions and billions of years we'd all be much smarter. So, yay them!
9) Diehard Christians are like republicans anymore whenever someone offers theories or evidence that goes against their doctrine. Like if the Democrats report that W said he hates gay people in an interview with the LA Times back on October 10, 2003, the Reps will come out saying he never DID an interview with the LA Times on that day. It was the NY Times on the 11th so the Dems MUST be lying!! They won’t admit he DID say he hated flamers. The same is true with Christians whenever someone brings out evidence against their faith. They want proof and any flaw in that proof is enough evidence to claim EVERYTHING is wrong. Yet, they use their Bible as proof for so much of THEIR beliefs even though so much of that book has been shown to be wrong, mistranslated, misinterpreted or just intended as a story. It makes me not trust any of them.
10) I regret not using the "Just a kid" excuse more when I was younger. You remember that, right? When you could do something stupid and people would just say "Oh, he/she’s just being a kid" and it would be ok? Like climbing on a neighbor’s roof or jumping on a big dog and riding it like a horse or calling someone a fatty-fat-fatty or kicking someone in the shins for no reason or telling your mother the Christmas present she got you sucked or just dropping to the floor in the mall and screaming when your company won’t leave! I didn’t take enough advantage of that and I miss being able to do that without people calling the cops.
11) Wouldn’t it suck if there really WAS only ONE person for each of us? Especially if that person was already buried under your shed? Sometimes that’s the thing that keeps me from just going nutso and wiping out small parts of the population. Well, that and the fact that I don’t want to go to jail (see #6 for more on THAT).
12) When a co-worker says "We’re having a ‘Come to Jesus Meeting’", I want to say "Why can’t we have a ‘Come ON Jesus Meeting’!? I think Jesus would like a little bukkake action!" But I don’t cause I’m a wussy.
13) Sometimes I look at porn and try to figure out exactly when someone told the woman she was pretty. I usually end up concluding it was her mother cause mother’s love to lie about shit like that.
14) People who say "Think outside the box" and MEAN it should be punched in the throat until they learn better. What box? Why is THEIR box so small? Maybe they need a bigger box though it's hard to imagine their brains being too big for ANY box.
15) "When I look at him, I don't see his color." I hate that one, too. What else you missin', re-re? Come on, we have different races and different cultures and different people. Trying to pretend you're enlightened by refusing that person their heritage and complexion is insulting. Of course, they usually have NO problem talking about "white people". Morons.
16) I think black people's names would be a lot less funny if they took the time to look up the word in the dictionary BEFORE naming their children.
17) I get ALMOST as annoyed anytime a jewish person brings up the holocaust as I do when a black person brings up slavery. Yeah, it happened but a couple of generations ago. Come on, those who you know who went through it are either REALLY old or dead. Let it go. Still be aware enough to keep it from happening again but don't bring it up anytime you feel downtrodden! Ugh. And I did't own any damn slaves so don't try that white guilt on ME, mister! Now, my family shot indians and stuff but no record of slave owning. So for all you Native Americans out there... sorry, my bad!
18) Every so often I get the urge to just smack someone. Not because they pissed me off for any reason, cause that is ok. I mean like standing in line at the bank, turning around and SMACK! Just to see how the person will react.
19) I'm always disappointed when a homeless guy comes up to me asking for money and he DOESN'T smell bad. Not sure why.
20) It's fun to walk by ONE beggar and hand the one behind him a couple of bucks. For added effect, turn and point at the other guy and whisper, "He's faking it."

That’s all I have for now. Whatchu got? And remember, NO JUDGING. These should just be thoughts you have... hell, you can have them and worry about your OWN "goodnes" and "sanity" but at least admit to HAVING these thoughts.
Maybe not THESE but similar... so come on.... tell me YOUR thoughts!


Blogger spaceface01 said...

Don't you HATE those advertizing assholes commenting on your blog? I hate that... was my mom's birthday and we were joking about her cashing in her life insurance so I wouldn't get any money and I believe that my exact words were, "Hell no, you might be the only person in our family that has any intention of leaving me anything, if you die, I am getting PAID..." I was kidding, of course...(well kind of...I don't want her to die, but if and when she does...well, I deserve money for my pain and suffering, does that make me a bad person?)

7:49 PM  
Blogger wmjwatson said...

As I said, NO JUDGING. Even YOURSELF. These are thoughts anyone might have. Like when a parent worries that they actually DO have a favorite child. Of COURSE they do. They may love them all "equally" but they still have a favorite. Nice little psych study on all that, too.
And yes, I hate those advertising bastards. But since YOU commented on him, I guess I will leave it up. Are you getting a commission off him?

10:06 PM  
Blogger spaceface01 said...

I am NOT getting a commission, but seeing as I am money hungry and horrible, I should talk to him about it...maybe he will put me on his life insurance policy.

7:41 AM  
Blogger wmjwatson said...

Ooh, ooh.... me too! wait, we're talking only so you get paid once he kaks, right? Damn, you'll probably have an easier time of it... stupid feminine ways.

8:22 AM  
Blogger PenguinCoop said...

That was a rather disturbing journey into your brain. It was like that car accident on the side of the road that you don't want to look at, but for some inexplicable reason you are morbidly drawn to staring like the rest of the fools on the highway...

7:54 AM  
Blogger wmjwatson said...

Ah, so you're saying I'm the ONLY person you know who has thoughts they normally don't like to admit having?

8:28 AM  
Blogger Julie said...

Wow. Well, I can't think of any highly inappropriate thoughts to contribute. I do, however, frequently have the urge to randomly smack, butt pinch, push, stick my tongue out at, and make weird animal noises at people in public. But then I also have the urge to do things like jump off the side of the Grand Canyon and yell wah-ha-hooey or stick my hand into a turbo fan - so who knows whats wrong with me.

9:18 AM  
Blogger PenguinCoop said...

Nope, I'm not saying that at all, Mr. Sensitive! I am sure many people I know have disturbing and twisted thoughts, myself included. I was merely commenting on the bravery (or stupidity?) it takes to actually post them where anyone with a computer can read them. I don't know whether to fear you or respect you...

9:18 AM  
Blogger wmjwatson said...

What type of thoughts do you have?
This is a normal thing, actually. Thoughts happen without control so there is no need to judge others or yourself for having them so what's the harm in sharing them? What's so bad about THOUGHTS? Unless you're catholic, I guess.

10:01 AM  
Blogger wmjwatson said...

Oh, and I think those count, Julie.

10:17 AM  
Blogger wmjwatson said...

Here is something by Jessica from my MySpace version of this:

Ok... so here are some thoughts:
1) I've briefly thought while my mom had her stroke that "hey.....if she dies, dad will actually be happy; maybe this is a good thing"
2) Have you ever just wanted to hit the person who cuts you off in traffic? Screw what will happen to your car, just as long as his is tore up
3) I regret not skydiving like I kept telling myself I was going to
4) I sometimes wonder how my life would be if the doctor's that said I was going to be a boy were right
5) Why after blowing your nose do you always have to look in the tissue?
6) I sometime get the urge just to stick my foot out while someone is walking by just to see if they'll fall or catch themselves
Posted by Jessica on Thursday, September 15, 2005 at 7:02 AM

7:24 AM  
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7:50 AM  

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