Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Movie Round-Up Time!!!

Transporter 2: I LOVED the first one. Ask anybody that knows me and they would say I loved that movie. Great action. A charismatic star, JAson Stratham. A fun plot by Luc Besson, the guy who did Leon, La Femme, Fifth Element and Kiss of the Dragon. Great stunt work and driving stunts. A beautiful asian woman. A dastardly villain. And JUST enough plot to get you from one stunt or fight to the next.
Transporter 2 had all this potential. Same writers were back, same star, much of the same stunt crew and drivers (from what I have heard), the french guy came back though not the asian woman but the new villain had a lot of potential and they added a villainess who looked OUTSTANDING. But it falls apart. See, just like Ace Ventura 2 they decide to take what people said they liked about the first and CRANK IT UP!! Sounds great until you realize that you can crank it up TOO MUCH. Ace became a cartoon version of himself... and when you consider he was ALREADY a cartoony type character, well, it gets insane in the sequel. So when you take a guy who is already doing stunts that are nearly impossible (some REALLY staining logic but you are into the movie and accept it) and then make him do things that ARE impossible, well, it just hurts. The guy flips a car off a ramp to scrape a bomb off the bottom on a hanging crane hook. Let me repeat that... HE FLIPS THE CAR OFF A RAMP TO SCRAPE THE BOMB OFF THE BOTTOM ON A HANGING CRANE!!!!! WTF!??!?! Now, much of the driving is still incredible and the fights and the stunts are some of the best you will see outside of asian cinema but then they pull some shit out their ass that makes you just leave the movie. Damn shame. The hose fight is still neat though. A fews guys in the audience had issues with that one but I think it was just cause by THAT point the movie has already lost all credibility. Go rent Ong Bak instead. Trust me. You'll thank me later.

Red Eye. This one I enjoyed. It was silly, plot-wise, but it was still tense and thrilling. It WAS suspenseful. What a concept for a suspence movie. It just shows that Wes Craven is STILL a master director and knows how to make movies. His subject matter may lack at times but the man knows his job. Kind of like John Carpenter. They know how to FILM a scary movie. They just aren't too good at WRITING them anymore. Cillian Murphy was VERY scary and the woman (from wedding crashers) Rachel McAdams was pretty, capable and believable. Especially when scared. Why, the only character bit that lacked believability was Brian Cox's hair. Oh, and damn if Colby from Survivor wasn't pretty good. Who'd've thought, eh?

The Cave. This one had me until the very end. Then it didn't just lose me. It lost me, got a ransom note, ignored it, got a finger with another note, ignored it, got one of my ears in the mail and decided to respond with a "Kill the Bastard" attitude. The ending is THAT bad. It's been a long time since a movie was able to ruin itself just with the ending. I mean, up until then it was another Deep Blue Sea (which I enjoyed) where it's not just the beasties that are dangerous but the environment itself. They managed some tension and some thrills and chills, which is good for a monster movie. Granted, the monsters were all shown in quick shots (like the good old days) but when you DID see them, they weren't all that scary. Somehow they forgot how to film the bad guys and make them frightening. The sound was earie but the monster was blah. Think Jaws. The "dunnu dunnu dunnu" was scarier than the shark. Mostly cause when you just hear the noises, your mind makes a more believable looking monster/shark than the producers did. Go figure, right? But they had a nice ending that they were building towards (in MY mind) and then just said, screw that, let's just end this sucker! It was fun until then. Oh, and Piper Peraboo kicked ASS!!!


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