Monday, October 31, 2005

Remember when...

When I was a kid, I would go trick or treating until the wee hours... I mean, it wasn't over until midnight!! Sure, we would conck out around 11 but on the way home, you would STILL See kids walking up to houses.

And screw those little plastic candy buckets... I used a frickin PILLOW CASE!!! And when we got tired, we would sit on the curb and EAT SOME OF THE DAMN CANDY!! That's right... you didn't need an xray machine to examine the candy... you looked at it and maybe broke it half and then ATE it!!

The apples with razor blades? Never had one... but then, most of the apples went ZING and hit large things and got all crushed like. I Was more worried about those damn religious tract/comic strip books! Those things could ruin your mind! All the lies within.

And kids actually DRESSED UP!! We would either buy a costume or at LEAST put some damn thought into it. I have turned kids away at the door cause they come up wearing a football jersey... that's it... not even a damn helmet or the whole uniform... just the jersey... and then give an attitude to get candy. Lil punks!

It just seems that Halloween is an adult's holiday anymore. Maybe it's cause all the kids who grew up around my time REMEMBER the fun it was and could be and keep THAT alive and the kids nowadays are stuck with the bs urban legends that surround it.

Poisoned candy? Almost every reported ACTUAL case was someone poisoning their OWN KID.

Pins, needles and razor blades? No one has ever died from them and at most have a slight prick or discomfort... think about it... you've eaten an apple or large candy bar... can YOU imagine swallowing something like a pin or needle or, dear god, a RAZOR BLADE? Actually SWALLOWING it? Am I the only person who actually CHEWS my food? Sure, you can examine the candy but that's all it takes... a simple LOOK.

But every year the newsdumbasses come on and tell people how to be careful and how to watch out and how to take your candy somewhere to have it xrayed or something. Halloween stopped being fun scary for kids and just became scary scary. Poor kids... that just REALLY sucks for them.

I worry that when I have kids... I will WANT to take them trick or treating but noone will be giving out candy. If I want my kids to celebrate halloween... I'll have to take them to an adult party and I am not sure if I really want my 8 year old getting drunk with dear old dad.

But enough of my ranting...



Blogger Julie said...

You kind of have to live in a 'development' type community to continue trick or treating. Most of the little kids I know who still go trick or treating go in neighborhoods where they know most of the neighbors. Anyway, the wave of the future (though maybe they had them when I was a kid and I just never went) are big pumpkin patch things where they have hay rides and cider and corn mazes etc. But trick or treating the way we knew it is gone with the wind.

6:22 PM  
Blogger wmjwatson said...

Nooooooooooooooooo! I REFUSE to accept that! WE can ALL make a difference!!!

8:55 PM  
Blogger wmjwatson said...

Thanks for the info, Beth... keeps me feeling a bit more positive. Though it still doesn't feel ANYTHING like when i was young.
And what were you doing passing out candy on Halloween Eve? Why not wait for Halloween like everyone else?

9:38 PM  

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