Monday, July 25, 2005

Family Time.

Ok, I have been busy this week. My brother has come in from GA and I have been doing the whole "family time" thing. I learned a long time ago that family is much easier to tolerate when you don't LIVE with them. Sure, I live with my sister but our schedules and interests keep us pretty seperated. But this week has been all about hanging out with Ma, my other sister, my brother and his four kids. Wow. Don't get me wrong, I love them all like blood but sometimes... ugh. You know the feeling, right? You get to those days where your fondest wish is to find out you're adopted. I am the youngest of 4 by 6 years (9 years from the oldest). My siblings were always so much older than me. I know there exists greater age gaps in other families, shut up. It was big enough for me. It means I can see traits in them BEFORE they have a chance to start to develop in ME. And now that I am over thirty and they are either approaching forty or over it, I can see even more. Some stuff I want. Some I don't. Some is based on what they HAVE. Some is based on what I think they SHOULD have.
I want a family of my own.
I actually want to LOVE and LIKE whoever I end up marrying.
I want a solid career.
I want a solid career making good money.
I want a solid career making good money in something I can actually be excited about doing.
I want to travel.
I want a home... Not a house so much as a home.
I want to still be able to act like a kid and not be such a stick in the mud.
I don't want to lose my memory for another 30 years, at least.
I never want to have to deal with anything that makes me face my own mortality until I actually DIE.
I don't want to die anytime soon.
I never want to get divorced... especially if kids are involved.
I want to be able to be myself no matter what.
I want to do something crazy.
I don't want to do something nuts.
I never want to deal with a child in the hospital.
I want my family to be proud of me.
I want to be proud of myself.
I want to have someone I can actually SLEEP with.
I never want to look at my wife and NOT want to just jump her bones.
I want to be able to fall asleep when it is TIME to fall asleep instead of being tired all fricking day until the lights are turned off.
Notice the time stamp on this and you'll understand.

Everyone have a great week in case I don't get back here.


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