Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Yes, it's been awhile...shut up!

I've been busy.
Ok, not so much "busy" as just doing "other things". Time gets away from us all, right? I mean, one minute you are sitting on the couch flipping thru all the channels, thinking to yourself, "there aint SHIT on!" and the next you are trying to figure out why it is suddenly next tuesday. It's a very odd feeling. And I have had many, many things happen.
Let's see.
Did the usual Trivia Hosting thing on Saturday (Saturdays, 7pm at Calico Jacks in Baymeadows... bring friends) and tried out my friend, Jon's, new scoring program to see if it can work as is or needs more fixin. After a nearly heart-attack inducing incident near the end of the 2nd round, I made him take it away from me before I completely freakede. The job is SUPPOSED to be easy and fun... the stress that fucking thing was too much. Sure, I expected some problems going from handwriting the score to typing it in but I figured I do a lot on the computer so what would be the big deal, right? That was a tad stressful since that ain't the ONLY thing I have to do and certain issues with the set up of the program came to light. It was the fact that apparently there was an issue with certain aspects of the addition part of the program that it wasn't keeping an accurate running score that nearly made me kill myself or all those around me.
That's right. I said OR. I ain't gonna be one of those jerks who kills a bunch of people THEN themself. No sir. One or the other for ME!
Where was I?
Oh, right. So I get him to take it away and sure enough, it takes me another few questions to get back on track but since no team came up to tell me MY math was wrong, I think I did ok. Not many people played, as usual, but enough to seem like I had a job TO do. Plus, only one team got really drunk so that was nice. And no one complained about the music... which is actually quite odd for me. See, I like a LOT of different types of music. I PLAY a lot of different types of music. This means that usually SOMEONE makes a comment cause I am playing country. Or Rap. Or heavy metal. OR some band they don't like. I HAVE had many compliments on the variety, as well. And sometimes I play a song to give a hint. For example, that night I asked for the name of the movie in which Anthony Michael Hall played a character called "Farmer Ted" but is listed as only the "Geek" in the credits. I played Ringo Stars "You're Sixteen". See, the movie was Sixteen Candles. Get it?
Oh shut up. I need to do something to pass the time.
Anyway, that was interesting. Since my old "After Trivia" buddy wasn't there for the third straight week...most likely cause she is shacking up or something with that married guy (see "Dominoes" entry), I had no reason to stay at CJ's and I was pretty hungry. So I went to eat at BW3's across the street since I have gift cards there (a story for another post) and a friend, Jessica, came with. We ate, we drank, we talked about the people around us. It was fun. I had wanted to go to Ichituknee on Sunday but the weather didn't agree with me so I postponed it a week. Sunday was spent just vegging. Got up around 11. Watched some tv. Made plans with Jessica to go see Sky High and Bad News Bears. That was the deal since I had already seen Sky High (I liked it) but if Ias gonna pay to see a movie, I wanted to at least see something I hadn't seen ALSO. So we did the theatre hop thing. Friday I saw Sky High, March of the Penguins and Stealth. I liked the first two and the third was fun enough that I didn't get up and leave. Anyway, BEFORE the movie theatre we got cheap wings from Miami Subs and watched Top Secret... yes, I am a movie nut... since she hadn't seen it. I still giggle throughout that movie. AFTER the movie, she went home. Well, after we talked because her boyfriend called and said some shit that pissed her off so the car ride back to my apartment was filled with HER side of the conversation then her version of HIS side.
What fun.
(See "Dominoes" blog entry).
Anywho, Monday came and I went over to mama's to help out around her house. I was asked to install my sister's new dvd recorder with built in vhs side in the guest/cat room. It took me almost an hour to realize the damn machine was broken. A crack went right through the power button which ALSO happens to be the sensor for the remote. This meant that you couldn't turn it off and you couldn't use the remote. So it was pretty much useless. So my sister had to take it back. But they didn't have the box anymore (yay trash day) and they couldn't find the receipt. But my sis went anyway to see about returning it for a new one. Meanwhile, I decided since it was still sunshiny out that it would be a good time to go for a walk. So off I went on my walk while mama finished up what she was doing.
It was a good walk. About an hour. Felt good. So I come walking back up to mama's and I see her sitting on the ground. This is very unusual so I ask if she fell and she said yes and showed me her elbow. It was a nice, wet blood splotch. And she said she had hit her head a little. She has been getting better about the dizzy spells but she said she slipped in water so at least that's a good thing, I guess. I asked how long she had been down and she told me since about a quarter after by the wall clock. Which now read a quarter til. A half hour she sat on the ground. And now we had to figure out how to get her up. I went inside to grab the stoll... what the hell, she had already been down for 30 minutes. What's another one? I come out and that's when Wanda pulls back in, upset. They wouldn't take it back since it had been more than thirty days. Almost sixty, in fact. Then she sees mom on the ground (we get her up ok between the three of us) and asks, "Did William see it?" "See what?" Apparently, when she was backing out of the drive she thought a cat was running under the car so she swerved a bit to miss it... and hit my car. So NOW she was pissed that she had to call her insurance to get them to cover it but it will prove cheaper than paying for it herself but I have to drive around for a week with a nice dent in my front side panel. And she was pissed about alll the rest of her day, too, so she wasn't the most pleasant person around.
All in all... she had a suckier weekend than I did.
But still.
My damn car!!
But, hey, my birthday is coming up. So maybe something good will happen!


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