Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Yes, I bought a copy... of COURSE I did. I enjoyed the flick well enough. Not my FAVE movie of the summer or year but still a fine ending to the new trilogy. I have friends who thought it was complete shit and others who thought it the best of the new trilogy... I'm in the middle. Wasn't how I would've done it, certainly but still... had some really great, exciting moments.

But I ain't hear to 'review' the DVD... I mean, you will either buy it or not... or someone will buy it FOR you or not. Regardless, fans will own it. Hell, my friend who TRULY hated the movie will buy it just for completist reasons.

No, what I am hear to mention is the spiffy easter egg on the first disc. Not as cool as the blooper reels on the other 3 discs (eps 1 & 2 and the bonus disc from the other set) but still fun. And you access it in much the same way.

On the first disc, got to "Options" and move the cursor around until it highlights the THX logo. Once that is highlighted, press '1', '1', '3', and '8'. (Or '11', '3', and '8' depending on your remote). Then enjoy the clip.

I still prefer the blooper reel but at least we get SOMETHING.

Oh, and watch on the "Chosen One" documentary for the clip showing they WILL be replacing the puppet Yoda in a future rerelease of Episode I.

Have a great All Saint's Day and I DID finish the Halloween cartoon but had scanner issues so I hope to get that fixed tomorrow.


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