Monday, July 31, 2006

Coming Home

I've been drawn back here again. A compulsion... a drive... an irresistible pull to this place. The house seems lighter than I remember. The details stand out to me so much more now. Maybe my eyes have just adjusted.
I walk up the path, careful to not stray. I see the door open and the darkness walks out. It greets me with a smile.
"Welcome home", it says as if I was expected. It puts its open arms around me, pulling me close. The icy grip feels warm against my soul. It begins to hum and sing and tell me about the plans we have for our future together.
It speaks of targets and victims; of plots and intentions; of mayhem and chaos. I remember a time when I would've argued semantics but now I just nod in agreement. Friends, plans, FUN... all these words have been drained from my vocabulary on the way back here.
It pats me on the back with such force that I am thrust towards the front door. I almost trip over the step and stumble inside.
I feel the darkness follow me in and close the door.
"It's been too long," it says as the last bit of light from outside is blocked out.
"I know," I say.
"We missed you."
I realize I don't even remember what I was before I came through that door.
I am nothing.
I am no one.
I am here because no one wants me out there.
I am alone.
I am no longer scared.
I am here because no one needs me out there.
I am home.


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