Friday, August 11, 2006

Birthday Revelations

Ok, yes, it's my birthday today (yay, me) and I have some stuff planned. Fingers crossed that everything goes according to "plan" tonite and tomorrow.

But that's not what this bloggy thing is about today. Today I will go over the various thoughts I've had today. Certain realizations that hit me after waking up. I am not editing any of these thoughts and for those of you who remember, I have a rule here... NO JUDGING!!

I am pretty sure when I meet the one woman in the world who ISN'T in some way insane, I will accidentally hit her with my car.

I try really hard to NOT let myself be set up for disappointment and it never works. Maybe I should stop trying. That, or just get used to disappointment.

Is it possible to like people but not like people at the same time? How can I be so social and yet not want to be around people?

Is it possible to NOT think about sex?

When did my favorite sound in the world become that sound gum makes when it squeaks on your teeth while you chew it?

I don't have many guy friends.

I can still see the look on the face of that mole I had to finish off after Hershey didn't fully snap its neck. And I still hear the sounds it made.

Mercy is for the weak. We do not train to be merciful here.

My mama loves me so I can't be TOO bad.

Mama also thinks I'm an asshole so I guess it's a toss up.

I don't think my dad knew how much I loved him and that still eats at me ten years later.

My brother is a loser. What do you do when someone you idolized growing up turns out to be a piece of crap?

I want kids just to see if I would be a good father.

I really hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.

I hope the piano players are good at Crazy 88's.

I really should be more focused on working right now.

Anywho... thanks to one and all who have wished me a happy birthday... hope to see you all soon.

Talk to you later.


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