Saturday, August 27, 2005

New Reviews... for those who care...

Ok, so I went and saw 40 Year Old Virgin and Brothers Grimm. Was hoping to see either Red Eye or Cave afterwards but the timing sucked and my sisters are going out to dinner to celebrate their b-day(s) so I left in order to join up. Now I am awaiting word on WHERE they plan to go.
Anywho, 40YOV was fun. Could've done with some streamlining much like Wedding Crashers needed. And some Farrelly brothers flicks. And some other comedies of late. Man, remember when 90 minutes was considered the MAX for a comedy? Anywho, this old couple in front of me were laughing their asses off... especially the woman. Now keep in mind the F-bomb is used constantly throughout the flick. So is several fun words for various parts of the body. Oddly, the only thing you really don't see in a movie about sex and loving women and their nice nethers is, well, NUDITY! What's up with that? An R rated movie and no tits? This is sacrilige!! A travesty!! Absolutely disgusting!! What has become of sex comedies? Granted, much of the theme of the movie is about treating sex with respect and not just doing it to do it and all that. That sex shouldn't define a person OR their relationship(s). But so what? I wanna see some boobies, dammit!!!!
Brothers Grimm... some nice fun moments. Some beautiful imagery. A lot of crappy effects shots. Terry Gilliam is like Sam Raimi or Robert Rodriguez... the QUALITY of the effect isn't as important as just having the effect. You hear other directors talk about having to cut a scene or aneffect cause they can't get it to work. Not THESE guys. If they want a scene of Spidey running down an alley, changing into his uniform, even if it looks shitty... he's gonna have it. An odd green screen effect of kids doing stunts or wire removal that looks fine for taking out wires... but the kids still look like they are ON wires? So what! Get the damn shot in the film! Really weak looking CGI bugs or moving cloth or a REALLY poorly rendered wolf? Works for Terry Gilliam! And it's a shame that such things really DO take you out of the film. Ok, it took ME out but still. It's a shame. Cause the movie is pure Gilliam. 12 Monkeys is a favorite of mine and I find little fault in it, really. But Time Bandits? Baron Munchausen? Fisher King? They all suffer from weak effects and being LONG. Or at least FEELING long. And it's weird. Cause Gilliam sure does love fairy tales and fantasy and fables and all that stuff. Now, I liked Burton's Sleepy Hollow... thought it was visually fun and exciting and, even though long, it moved FORWARD. It didn't feel like it STOPPED. There are times when Bros Grimm reminds me of that (not just the huge forest set) but it has moments where it just feels halted. Stopped. Like an intermission. And it's just another shame. Maybe it needed streamlining like 40YOV? Don't know. It ends well (unlike 40YOV) and you can forgive much of its excesses but overall it's just an "eh" movie.
The sad part of this all is that I will most likely buy both on DVD.
Yes, I'm sad.
But then, except for the virgin part, I know most of my friends will watch the 40 year old virgin and think "Hey, that's William!" But then, I also found myself saying "That's Oscar Goldman... he's worth more than Steve Austin!!" BEFORE it is said in the movie.
Those bastards!
Ok, off to dinner. TTYL.


Blogger Julie said...

I want to see both of them, I really need to catch up on my movie watching. I probably will end up seeing them on DVD someday.

9:26 PM  
Blogger wmjwatson said...

Oh, at least catch ONE of them in the theatre! And Transporter 2 opens this friday! Definitely need to catch tHAT one in the theatre.

5:06 AM  

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