Saturday, August 12, 2006

My Birthday Weekend Part I - Friday

Ok, my birthday celebration TECHNICALLY started ON my birthday (Friday, August 11th). My friend Jessica came and got me and we went out to eat at Sneakers and go see Johnny A and Eric Johnson at Freebird Café. We had heard several folks (like Kevin) talk positively about him but we hadnt heard anything ourselves. The tix were like $20 a piece AND she was buying me dinner so I felt obligated to enjoy myself. {:o)

Anywho, we had agreed on Sneakers cuz it was close by and because I wasnt in the mood for Campeche Bay, having just done that for someone ELSES birthday bash less than a week prior.

Sneakers I have been there before and enjoyed decent food with decent service. THIS time, however? Well, I am sure the food tasted good when it was fresh but I cant swear to it sine it took so long for the server to bring it to us. Seems he was more interested in any table that had young girls at it with cleavage showing. I cant really argue against that but then I aint a server! Not that thats the reason Im just saying.

Anywho so after stuffing ourselves on nachos, our main dishes arrived and we had to wait a bit to finally get the boxes and check so we could get out of there. We saw a line outside Freebirds and were worried it was going to sell out.

We neednt have worried but thats beside the point.

The point was, the service at Sneakers sucked and I aint going back.

SO b-day off to a great start.

Anywho, we get into the Freebirds well, to the will call line and we notice an odd thing for us. Normally, Jessica IS the average age or raises it slightly when we go there. This time, I was lowering it. I havent seen that many old f#ckers in one spot since Bike Week. This was NOT a good sign for us. When you want to go and rock out on your b-day, being surrounded by folks who look like they pay WAY too much attention to incontinence commercials isnt a good thing.

We made a deal at that point (after deciding NOT to try and sell the tix to someone else had it been sold out, we couldve, darn it!) the deal was that if either one of us was broed, we would leave and find something else to do. But Iknew I wouldnt do that. SHE paid for it so I would let HER decide when to lave.

We made it through, I think, maybe half of Johnny As set. The guy is a VERY talented musician and if he ever comes to Fuel or some other smaller venue with couches and stuff, I would love to go see him again.

But not on my birthday.

And not having to stand.

Anywho all in all I still had a lot of fun. It was nice to be able to hang out with a good friend on my birthday.

Thanks, Jessica!

More to come.


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