Sunday, August 13, 2006

My Birthday Weekend Part II - Saturday Morning

Saturday Morning.

Saturday, we had a plan. We were going to go to Ginny Springs and relax before coming back, relaxing and then heading separate ways. JEssica would go for her date with her boyfriend and I would get ready for dinner and Crazy 88's, the dueling piano bar. We would get up early, head to the springs and just chill.

Problem number 1: We woke up REALLY late. So late that by the time we would've gotten to the springs, we could float for all of an hour before having to head back. That would be about 3.5 hours driving for 1 hour relaxing. Blech. So we went to the beach instead... the weather was fine at that point so it was a good compromise.

Went to the beach, took some chairs, found a good spot... the waves weren't that big so tht kept those annoying beach pests... i mean, surfers away for the most part. We could go out in the water and just float or swim and not worry about some arrogant prick coming thru on his big wooden plank and then getting all pissy that we were in "HIS way".

Yes, I hate that crap. Like bikers who feel it's fine for them to race up the side lane on the Buckman. If I didn't like my car door so much I'd fling that fucker open! It's not bikers or surfers that bug me, it's the ARROGANT ones that bug me so don't comment on me hating ALL of them.

Anywho, so there we were swimming about and playing around and floating having a grand old time. There was a cute woman laying out back near our spot so I ahd THAT to look forward to but it had been too long since i had been in the water so I was eating that crap up.

Even though the Jax Beach water looks like wet dirt.

Then it happened. during a shove fight with Jessica she moved back... and SCREAMED. Not a "HEY, YOUA SS!! DON'T PUSH ME!" sort of scream. More a "HOLY FUCKING HELL MY LEG IS ON FIRE!!!" kind.

See, Jessica is scared of sharks. That trip to the pier sure didn't help where she saw all the fishermen catching little sharks. You know, the ones that CAN swim all the way up to the shore if they wanted. My mind, of course, went right to "SHARK BITE!!"


Nothing that severe.

It was a jelly fish.

She got stung by a jelly fish and proceeeded to hobble/swim back to shore. By the time we both got back up, it had started to really turn bright pink and swell slightly. The cute chick nearby kept looking over and finally decided to chime in with her OWN jellyfish story (it hurt like hell, she got a salve from a lifeguard and doesn't really go in the water much anymore). Since the waves were so weak, we didn't have any lifeguards close by and Jess, the toughy, didn't want to walk to one.

I offered to go get it and she refused, choosing instead to ride out the pain. Thankfully, a lifeguard truck came by for Jessica to stop and get some stuff from. It seemed to help and she's doing fine now, I believe.

Needless to say but i'll say it anyway, she didn't want to go back out in the water. While she stayed up on shore, soaking up rays, I went abck into the water and played by myself for a half hour or so. Clouds started to build up so I came back up and she was ready to leave. We grabbed some lunch on the way home and split up so she could relax and change and I could go home and nap before my big night.

to be continued....


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